Meet The Crew


Paris is the captain/overlord of the crew. To the amusement of all her family members, Paris suffered a quarter life crisis and the result is what is now this farm. In terms of her leadership style, she has been likened by her family as a tyrant and dictator which she received rather misshapenly as a huge compliment. Paris’s favourite job on the farm is starting the seeds and detests anything irrigation related. If she could she would sue every hose company who ever claimed to have a ‘non kinking hose’. You'll find Paris reading, sewing, walking and playing with her kitty Justine when she's not at work.



Tess is the designer of the crew. A graphic and fashion designer by trade, Tess is responsible for all the beautiful graphics on our website, instagram and marketing products. Tess still likens herself as a country girl and even helped Paris lay out one bed of compost before swiftly prompting that she "had to go get something from the house" and never returned. Tess lives in Geelong and works as a fashion designer. In her spare time Tess enjoys watching McLeod’s daughters, reading Aussie Nibbles, re-decorating her room for the millionth time and has confessed to having an abhorrent online shopping addiction.


 Pop is the fix it man of the crew. A reluctant team member, Maurie was forced into the crew as he couldn’t bear watching Paris fit another shelf on backwards. Pop enjoys home grown veggies, although he is partial to a pie from the bakery, which he credits to as the secret to his long life. At a spritely 89, he helped Paris build her greenhouse shelves and is the go to man for any niggly problems that need fixing on the farm. In his spare time Pop enjoys spending time with his family, pottering in his garden (which includes an insatiable appetite for raking leaves) tinkering in his shed and shopping at his favourite store ALDI.


Ollie is the co-builder of the farm greenhouse and... thats about it besides being a massive stain.  He "doesn't see the appeal" of flowers but Paris has witnessed him secretly steal some blooms to give to a special lady. Ollie is a self proclaimed ‘hotdog connoisseur’, an avid Dees supporter and a Cheezels and Twisties enthusiast. The family ensures they enjoy Ollie’s company whilst they still can as his diet choices have dramatically reduced his life expectancy. Ollie is studying something at Uni that no one can remember and enjoys spending time with his friends and family and playing golf.


Crazy Carol is Paris’ Mum and part time employee. (Technically a volunteer cos she doesn’t get paid lol). Crazy Carol also goes by ‘crazy garden lady’ because when she isn’t busy being a school teacher she disappears into her garden and doesn’t return until her hair isn’t all that dissimilar to a birds nest. Crazy Carols job usually involves getting called in at 11 o’clock at night when Paris still hasn’t finished arranging bouquets. Paris would be lost without her! but rewards her lovingly back with sass and attitude. In her spare time Crazy Carol is seen stealing cuttings from other peoples gardens, hoarding antique furniture and chatting to Polly our very old and very voluptuous sheep. 


Justine is Paris’s kitty who she adopted with her uni roommate Peyton in 2019. Currently there are claims circulating that Paris stole Justine from Peyton after they moved back to Wangaratta. Paris has since commented that these accusations are "baseless’’ and "shocking’’ and that Justine told her directly that she wanted to come live with her (Paris provided no evidence to support this claim). Custody battles aside, Justine’s roles on the farm include sleeping in the potting mix tub, hackling the chooks and facing off in hand to hand combat with her arch enemy Tuppence. Whilst Justine is not officially on the payroll she does enjoy an infinite amount of mice to eat in the chook shed and endless trees she can climb at her hearts desire if she would only garner the skills necessary to climb them.



The farm bully. Hobbies include worshipping the devil, sashaying around the house and reading Dante. Will not rest until Justine meets a cruel and untimely death.


Martha is the newest addition to Frances Cecil Farm. She’s the cutest kitty in all the land and spends her time making sure everybody knows how cute she is. She is on a mission to become best friends with Justine which is unfortunately a sorry-full and feeble venture. Martha’s main role on the farm is sleeping and leaving paw prints on the flower wrapping…but she gets away with it because she’s just so damn cute.